Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Reading a book

I am reading a ridiculous book called "WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN" Volume four Alternate Americas. It is full of short stories about different events that could have happened in American History and how it could have shaped the country. The one I am reading right now is about a Japanese invading force killing all the native American's and then attacking the Spaniards looking for the fountain of youth. Also in one story it isn't the fountain of youth, but a fountain of manly strength that heals any sexual debilitation you might have. You should read this book if you ever see it in a thrift store. I bought my copy on Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles, and if that is what if takes for you to read this book you should go to Hollywood.

You should travel anyway. You look bored.

Keep it up.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

This city

New haven is chilly. I'm at Joe Joe's cafe on Chapel. I haven't been to many places in the city yet, but the ones I have been to have been great. Joe Joes is a great place where rich Yale kids go because they all live around it in the nice brick apartments that are close by.

Tonight as I was walking around I went to the town green and there were a few people there watching the stage where a young inexperienced guitar player was playing. I didn't stay long, it was kind of an entertainment/rally thing for homeless people. There were tents set up for them and free cloths as well. The people that were there didn't seem to be to interested in anything. I got the feeling a lot of them were doing community service for school.

I'm living in a two bedroom at the end of Sherman near highway thirty four. If you know where that is you should come visit. If you don't you should send me an email and I'll come get you.

I am excited to start exploring the city.

Read a book.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I made it home

So I went from Jacksonville Florida to Washington D.C. I went to the Rally to Restore sanity which was nuts. I saw Yusef Islam (Cat Stevens) and R2D2. I learned a lot about myself on this trip and I am happy that I went on it. I am going to tell you some stories about it, but I am busy trying to find a place to live in New Haven. If anyone knows someone who needs a roommate, let me know.

I'm going to watch Jose Oyola tonight at an apartment show in New Haven.

Read a book and always remember where you come from.