Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's cold outside

I am sick of being in the orchard store and having people come in and tell me it is cold. There is no heat in the damn store, I know that it isn't walmart and that we don't have an industrial heater so you can wear a sleeveless nascar shirt in December in New England.

So the adventure van made the trek to New Haven with Subverso in tow. There were six people, a drumset, all their amps, guitars, and the van ran like a beast. I am very proud of it. We were discussing how I have to give it a better name than adventure van.

The next trip I am taking with it is Subverso's east coast tour from January 7 to the 20th. If you are able to make it to one of their shows it will make us all happy. I am a roadie for them, and driver. Check them out at www.thesubverso.com. They have some nice Aaron Carter videos up.

I am still working on Sick Puppies, a friend at work bought be a book about Animal Cruelty and I want to start reading it.

Also I am looking to start interviews for this thing, any Musician, artist, film maker or scholar who wants some promotion email me and we will set something up.

Money official saved for trip: $76.73

Four months until trip to California.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


This is what my new van kind of looks like.

So because of my buick being totaled I have been able to purchase a 1996 Dodge Van. It is the adventure van and it has been helped along with all the money I got from my accident. I was thinking about sending the polish guy that hit me Christmas card, but I don't want to piss him off. The van is from Rhode Island and it is amazing. When there is less than eight inches of snow on the ground I intend to start cleaning it and getting it ready for the trip down to Florida. Yes the maiden voyage of the adventure van will be the east coast tour of Subverso.

If you haven't heard of them, go to their website. They are dandy.

I want to do some interviews with some bands so if you are an up and coming band, email me at Jamesneurath@gmail.com and I will come to you with a camera and if I like the interview I will post it on my blog. I intend to do that all during the Subverso tour with all the bands that I meet along the way.

So far there is officially seventy dollars saved for this trip in my savings account. However Dennis and Eric are saving as well. We also have five months until we adventure. I am very excited. Please email me with any ideas of where we should go.

There is so much snow around here it makes me chuckle often.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A good substitute

So I am sitting here while my lovely aunt is sick with cancer while the hospice nurses make a fuss about her safety. What the hell? This cancer business is bullshit. I never want to be helpless in a bed like that. I would rather go the eskimo way and be floated out to sea.

I have also made a decision. Now that I am older and I don't need to run down the stairs on Christmas morning with booties on (I still might) I am going to volunteer at a soup kitchen or some related charity. That Ghandi man always said "be the change you want to see in the world." So instead of expecting X box games or getting a new electronic device I will go help someone I don't know just because they need some help.

Read a book!

At the orchard today a man dropped off a note of thanks and in it he wrote " thanks for the apples, (it was a donation) they made are boys very happy." That is unacceptable.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Holy shit,

a month of eating right makes me vulnerable to cookies, in a bad way. I was eating some peanut butter cookies with Hershey drops on them. I feel like some big booted fool stomped on my jejunum.

So upcoming information. Ah the tour,

Subverso, a band from my home town of Berlin, is going on a two week tour down the east coast. I am going to be their roadie and driver. I need to procure the adventure van, which will come soon, and this little tour will be the maiden voyage in preparation of the cross country trek in May.

Buy something made in America.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


It finally is snowing in good old New England. A wet rainy slush that made the orchard business slow and boring. It felt like I was in prison, awaiting my release day. Hmm, I don't know if I should say something like this, I've never been to prison. I bet that working in an apple orchard is probably a cake walk compared to prison.

So after work I went to Dennis' tonight and when I walked in there were two shirtless dudes. Now I am an extremely liberal person, but I just felt very uneasy and didn't want to be there anymore. Maybe I feel like that because I wouldn't do something like that. If I just met someone new I don't think I would bare all.

Every day here I want to hit the road more and more. My aunt is very sick and it is getting difficult for my family. It seems like there is a curse on my family with he month of December. So many of my family have gotten sick and passed in December. I love Christmas, but my father is convinced that someday we will be setting up the tree and he will just drop. He dreads December.

The check for the Buick accident will be coming sometime next week, then I can get the van.

Watch a muppet movie.
It will make you laugh.


Friday, December 4, 2009

Come together

Things are starting to come together. Dennis is going to get some more money from the government! I don't know I guess they just give that stuff out when you lose your job. It makes me want to lose mine.

I should get the money from the Buick totallation soon. That will be nice because I have been looking at some sweet ass vans. I am very excited.

Also excited about this movie called Fantastic Mr. Fox. I say it the other night and it was stupendous. Directed by Wes Anderson and starring George Clooney's voice it makes you grin with chagrin and often makes you feel delightfully awkward at many times during. I think there are a great many stares and when there is a stare in a movie it makes you think, and with all the things like Susan Boyle and bullshit like that in our country, things that make you think are a rare commodity.

The best part about the movie was Bill Murray was a badger lawyer who lit people on fire with flaming pinecones.

Been thinking about doing some interviews with anyone who thinks they should be interviewed about something. Get a hold of me - Jamesneurath@gmail.com

Read some books

money saved for trip so far - $60.59