Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The First Step

I have created this blog to document my next adventure that I want to have. I also want to share it with other people and have a few of those people join me. There are some colleges of mine in league with me, but you never know how plans work out. My name is James and I am a writer from a small town in Connecticut. Recently I went on a trip to San Francisco and it turned out to be one of the most influential experiences of my life. The people that I met and the different situations I found myself in has given me the itch to get back to traveling and really discover this massive country that we find ourselves living in. What makes Americans love this place with so much passion and what makes so many citizens of the United States of America believe with such certainty that we are the greatest country in the world.

The reason that I started this blog to share with everyone the plans that which I have and the things I am going to attempt to achieve in the upcoming year. Now that I am back from my adventure in the west I want to take a better trip next year and this time I want to plan it and be much more independent than my last one. When I went west I took a greyhound bus. This was one of the scariest decisions that I have ever made, but it was the most interesting thing I have ever done. By far. The people that I met, some which I hope to meet again and share with you my readers, were the people that make up the majority portion of this country. They were made up of lower class people who have to take buses because other modes of transportation are just too expensive. These are the kind of people that made me see how expansive this country is and meeting them is just a small introduction to the upcoming trip I want to have.

The goals of my next adventure are too acquire a van of some sort that can easily transport a handful of adventurers to anywhere they desire to go. The way I want to do this that will make it so it will all be possible is to use an alternative fuel. That fuel is bio diesel, waste vegetable oil that will make it very cheap to travel. Also it is a cleaner option for the environment. I am a firm believer that our country needs to stop with the stranglehold that petroleum based fuels has on us, and use cleaner alternative fuels until we can achieve total transportation for free. I am not saying that I am an expert in this field, far from it. Basically, I just want to travel for free and do it in a way that won’t add to global climate change.

This blog will contain the trials and tribulations of obtaining some sort of vehicle for this journey and then getting enough funding to hit the open highway. I am looking for some support, all those who would like to help/come with me feel free to contact me on this blog. Also anyone who has any suggestions of a place to discover America further please contact me as well.

1 comment:

  1. i'm so glad you're planning to see the country. i'm also glad that you got a blog, i look forward to reading it!
