Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Beach

I was at the beach in Niantic all weekend. It was astounding and I wish I had a beach house I didn't have to pay for.

I was thinking about how much I love coffee and how I want people to stop going to Dunkin Doughnuts because they ruin what we could have in this country. Go buy local coffee! Whenever I ask people if they have any local coffee shops they say no. I tell them that they probably didn't look. I am ordering you to look around your town for some local coffee places. Stimulate your local economy and stop the stranglehold that DD has on this country. I don't run on Dunkin. Fuck that. Go help some local business in your town. Or a cooler idea go to a DD and try to play some music in it. See how they react.

Read a book.

This video is from Jose's Taco Hut show. It's Jose and Ryan from Subverso.

1 comment:

  1. "stop the stranglehold that DD has on this country."

    you mean stop the stranglehold that DD has on new england. dunkin donuts coffee isn't huge deal down in the mid Atlantic states. in fact dunkin donuts coffee doesn't taste as good down here either.
    but you're still right, local coffee shops are sweet and need more attention.
